How do I maintain my daily journal

My day is full of context switches, meetings with varying scopes, pending tasks to go through and desperate attempts to clean the email inbox. Rare are the days when I wrap up my working day with an empty to-do list. It is a big challenge to keep things running smooth. Keeping a daily journal is essential for me to get things done and have a sustainable work-life integration.

Written on October 6, 2020
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Arrays - Why O(1) time access?

I was mock interviewing a friend of mine and a question came up: why can you access an element in an array in O(1) time? To answer the question, let’s step back and see how RAM works in computers.

Written on August 1, 2020
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Managing BigQuery UDFs with Terraform

Terraform is a tool for building, changing and versioning infrastructure resources. Almost any type of infrastructure can be managed as a resource in Terraform. Terraform providers are responsible for understanding API interactions with your infrastructure. There is an extensive list of available providers that cover the most common infrastructure resources, and Google Cloud Platform Provider is one of them. There are cases however, when providers do not implement an API for managing specific resources for a given infrastructure. User-Defined Functions in BigQuery is one of the resources which is currently not supported by a GCP provider (Versions <= 3.0)

Written on February 7, 2020
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Experiment driven sbt

sbt is a de facto build tool for Scala. It can also be used for Java or for cross-platform native builds. sbt uses only few concepts to support its build definitions - roughly speaking, it is mainly about tasks, settings and configurations.

Written on November 28, 2017
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