My all time favorite books

I was going over the books that I managed to read in 2021 and realized that this year was a bit special compared to my experience in the past years. This year, I was very quick to put away books that I picked up but did not enjoy reading, or did not find valuable for the given point of time. This gave me a chance to reflect a bit on my past readings and I thought to compile a short list of all time favorites.

Note: I am updating the list from time to time, although it was written in 2021. Last Updated: 2022-06

Regardless of the genre, they provoked thoughts and gave perspective which I was lacking before, they challenged me, my beliefs and shaped me as a person.

Initially I was thinking to provide some details about why a certain book appears in the list below, however I realized I want to keep it short without any explanation, so please go ahead and explore the content.

Technology and engineering

Management and leadership

Self help / Science / Psychology

Fiction and fantasy

Last but not least, I wich everyone read the How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk, by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.

Written on December 1, 2021